Our Services

At be, we offer personalised services that acknowledge the uniqueness of each child. Our programs are tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual child. We recognise that every child has different ways of interacting and communicating, and we strive to cater to these differences in our approach.

Occupational Therapy

Our Occupational Therapists work alongside the multi-disciplinary team and adopt a relationship-based, individualised approach.

We assist families in comprehending and nurturing several aspects of their child’s development, including: creating environments that optimise their child’s learning and development, understanding their child’s sensory motor profiles and how they impact one another, their child’s visual spatial perception, body awareness, motor planning and sequencing, and how these affect their child’s ability to interact with others, learn, play, and perform everyday activities.

Our Occupational Therapists have all received DIRFloortime® training and recognise that regulation is essential for play and interaction. They conduct assessments to help parents comprehend their child’s sensory processing profile and suggest techniques to help their child’s regulation.

Speech Therapy

Our Speech Pathologists work alongside the multi-disciplinary team and adopt a relationship-based, individualised approach to speech and language development. We aim to help families comprehend their child’s development in various areas, including:

  • Communication development: This encompasses how children communicate using verbal and non-verbal language, gestures, and facial expressions. Communication development necessitates a team approach, allowing children to understand their bodies and how to use them to communicate their intentions. We collaborate closely with families to learn how to read their child’s communication and intentions, making the child feel heard, understood, and accepted.
  • Emotional development: This pertains to how children develop a sense of self and others, and how they comprehend and express their inner emotional world. Emotional development goes beyond teaching basic feelings such as happy, sad, angry, or frustrated. Anxiety may manifest in children, and families may not be aware of this. We encourage parents to engage in their emotional development to understand their own emotions and how they impact their child. Together, we explore different ways to reduce anxiety and worry in both the child and parents.
  • Intentionality: This concerns the way in which children express their intentions through their words or behaviour. For instance, a child may cover their ears in a noisy environment with lots of visual stimulation, which could indicate that the environment is overwhelming for them.
  • Comprehension skills: This refers to the child’s ability to comprehend verbal language, which is fundamental to language and self-development. Our Speech Pathologists help families recognize the child’s comprehension skills beyond just their response to language tests or familiarity with specific words in certain situations.
  • Relationships and ability to make friends: Human beings are wired for relationships, and the first relationships a child develops are with their family. During our sessions, we focus on building the foundation of relationships within the family and then extend these relationships to the child’s peers.
  • Social language: This refers to the way children utilize verbal language, gestures, body language, and themselves to initiate, sustain, and conclude interactions with others. Many children may have good language skills but face difficulty starting a conversation or developing on others’ ideas or changing the topic without conflict. Our Speech Pathologists emphasize the social information exchanged during everyday interactions and its meaning.
  • Ability to read social cues: This pertains to a child’s ability to interpret non-verbal signals such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language, as well as subtle verbal cues. Our Speech Pathologists collaborate with children and families to enhance their understanding of social cues and how to improve the child’s ability to read and communicate them effectively. We work with parents to make their child’s cues more readable, encouraging modeling and establishing a stronger connection with their child.

Our Speech Pathologists who are certified in DIRFloortime®, have expertise in various evidence-based speech and language development approaches. We understand that comprehension and language development are multifaceted processes and may require a team approach to address other challenges that may impact the child’s development, such as attachment and regulation, visual-spatial processing, auditory processing, timing and rhythm, and sensory-motor processing.

Social Work

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Allied Health Assistance

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Autism Assessment

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Group Programs

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Parent Programs

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Group Programs

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